Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Sunday, January 28

But I Don't Wanna Be a Stereotype

Top 3.5 Classes I Do NOT Want to Take in High School

1. Biology
2. Calculus
3. Chemistry
3.5 Speech

I think I’m a pretty creative person. I mean, if you compare my grades in English and French to my grades in Math and Earth Science, it’s obvious where my abilities lay (lie?). So the classes that I am certainly not looking forward to for sophomore, junior and senior years are the non-creative ones, the non-language based ones.

And this sort of bothers me because it sounds like I’m a stereotypical girl. (It doesn't help my case that I'm blonde too). You know, girls aren’t supposed to like math and science because they don’t do well in them. On the contrary, I don’t do well because I don’t like them.

I kind of liked algebra, which I took in junior high, because it made sense to me and I could see how it could be used in real life. Like when you want to figure out percentages and averages and stuff. But Calculus? What practical use does Calculus have?

Same with Chemistry. Does anyone really need to memorize that periodic table? Do you have to? Can’t you just look it up if you’re a chemist? I guess if you want to be a pharmacist, you should probably know that stuff.

Now, Biology, that’s a whole other story. The reason I don’t want to take it is because it’s gross! Reggie’s taking it right now and all I hear is how rats have such small intestines and how the muscles in frogs are so skinny and I’m sorry but she just smells sometimes after that class! It’s the formaldehyde, I know, and it reeks. And that’s not being too girly because Reggie doesn’t have a problem with it and she’s a girl. That’s just being a normal person.

And Speech? Well, that’s on the list because I’m shy. No, really, I am. Standing in front of people is the last thing I would ever want to do. I’ve heard that people are more afraid of public speaking than death. Thank god it’s an elective.


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