Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Friday, February 2

Mega Girl Effects Change!

Good news: someone has taken notice of my opinion! I can hardly believe it! Our principal, Mrs. Lopez, read or heard or someone told her about how I think it’s discriminating against less fortunate students to require them to keep a blog because that assumes they have computers and not everyone can afford one.

Now, it’s not like I’m Rosa Parks refusing to sit at the back of the bus. This is a minor thing in the big picture of Life but it means something to me, if nobody else. I just think it’s really important for people and teachers to realize that there are all sorts of, well, I hate to use the word “classes” because that makes it sound like we’re, you know, British or something. But America definitely has its own class system, even if you don’t want to admit it, which is totally based on income.

First, there are the Bill Gateses of the world and they have access to pretty much everything they want. People like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan and all the stars who make a ton of money. They’re all over the web and in magazines and you’d think they represent the majority of the country but they don’t. Hardly!

Then there's the group of people who want access to all those same things but they can’t afford them but they buy them anyway. And they take on huge debt in order to do it. Their kids get what they need but they probably don’t know what their families have to give up for them.

Then there’s my group, the ones who don’t have anything and can’t take out loans or otherwise borrow money to get things. We don’t have any delusions. These are the people I feel the need to stand up for, at least when it comes to computer stuff.

So I’m sorry if Evelyn has to modify her class syllabus and can’t require students to keep blogs or communicate only by email, but unless the school can provide equal access to computers for all of them, her students have to have alternatives.

Whew…so I guess I’m getting extra credit for this, right, Evelyn?


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