Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Thursday, August 30

Yes, I know I have 2 Books Left To Read

But is there a point to it? Will I go to class for like, a day or a week and then turn around and go somewhere else?

As far as I can tell, Lucie has not even applied for a job around here, despite her insistence that we’ll be able to stay in this apartment - in RC - so I can finish high school. A long, long time ago, when she was young and nicer to me, she told me that was her goal: to stay in one place long enough for me to get my high school degree. Well, hate to tell ya, Luce, but I still have 3 more years to go.

I want to be supportive. I really do. But I have friends here! And we just painted the place! And I know where all the cool places to hang out are and what the classes and teachers are like and I’ve already spent two years here, finally getting to know people.

And they got to know me. And I think they like me. Liked me. I mean, there was that one girl in algebra who would point at me and whisper to her friends when she saw me, as if I couldn’t tell she was doing that, and then she would call me Mary or Muffy or Mitzy and laugh and laugh like she was making some great joke, but eventually she got tired of it all and gave up and now she sits right next to me in class and sometimes even asks me questions using my real name. I don’t remember who she is but anyway.

It’s just completely unfair that we have to do this again.


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