Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Tuesday, April 24

This Post has No Message

I’ve been thinking about what Evelyn wrote and I don’t know what to say. I mean, I kind of like being able to express my thoughts on what I’m going through, even if no one out there is listening. Maybe especially because no one is listening. I can say what I want and what I think and isn’t that what cyberspace is all about?

I admit, at first I thought I wanted to say something important but I had a hard time figuring that out. Not everything can be an important message and frankly, I hate those kinds of things. I hate reading a book or seeing a movie that has a “message.” I don’t want people telling me what to think or feel. Just give it to me and if I think or feel what you want me to, okay, but when you put in messages and themes, you’re just manipulating people. And I don’t want to be manipulated. I want to figure it out myself.

So I write what I want and I say what I want. I’m not going to put out themes or messages. If I want to write about Rwanda or the war, okay, I will, but I’m not going to do it just to make a statement. Let other people do that, people who want to send messages to the world (like I don’t know people are starving in Rwanda or that the war was a bad idea - of course I do and so do you).

And maybe I do talk about T and Lucie and my personal life but maybe there’s something in there that someone else could relate to and so the message isn’t global but local. Hey, there’s a theme for you…


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