Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Sunday, May 27

T, POTC3 and Me

Top 3.5 Things I Love About Long Weekends

1. An extra day to sleep late
2. An extra night to stay up late
3. An extra morning for a special breakfast
3.5 An extra afternoon to meet someone for a movie

If you think I’m going to talk about 1, 2 or 3, you don’t know me very well.

Actually, number 3 on the list is a lot of fun. On holiday mornings, I usually get up earlier than Lucie (even if I do number 1, which is sleep in a little more) and start fixing a special breakfast for both of us. I have a special dish I make that most people call French Toast. You know, you dip bread in egg and milk and fry it up and then pour syrup all over it with lots of butter? Yummy, yummy! I can’t wait! We love it so much that we sometimes have it for dinner. Okay, so I make a whole bunch of that and brew up some coffee and if we have fruit around, I might slice some berries or bananas and put them on the side. Never on the top - Lucie hates when her fruit is touched by the syrup. She likes to dip the fruit into the syrup herself. Whatever. It’s an awesome meal and we never have time for it during regular weekdays and most of the weekends either. I don’t know why we don’t do it more on the weekends. We could cook up bacon or sausage or pancakes or waffles. We should do that more.

Luce, let’s do that more.

Anyway, on to number 3.5. Matinee with T! He had some sort of family thing last night - not that we would have gotten together because it’s not dating. We’re just friends who have kissed a few times. That’s all. You kiss your friends, don’t you? On the lips?

So T said, hey, are you doing anything on Monday afternoon and I said no, why, and he said, let’s go to a matinee of POTC3 since it’s impossible to get into on an opening weekend night anyway and I was like, yeah, sure, that’s fine and he gave me this huge grin like he was really glad I said yes so that’s what I’m doing tomorrow.

I love long weekends.


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