Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Thursday, June 28

Meg Becomes Michelangelo

I take it as a good sign that we are painting the apartment. No, really, I do. We have never painted before because we always move. Just as we think, gee, it would be nice to have a salmon bathroom and a green and cream living room, it’s time to get going. So I think it’s actually a good thing that we have the fans on and the windows open and the radio turned up on extra loud. I made a pitcher of awesome iced tea which hits the spot right about mid-afternoon when the desert sun heats the place up like an oven. It’s been kind of fun.

Although I do wonder why we’re not doing it on the weekend when Lucie would be off work. She says she’s taking some vacation days but she didn’t look me in the eye when she said it and it’s not like Lucie to spend vacation time on chores.

Btw, the salmon walls in the bathroom look amazing.

I continue to wonder.


Blogger Morozhina said...

My friend painted her bedroom black. Even the ceiling and the floor. It is sort of cool in a weird way. It is sometimes impossible to tell where you are at in her room. Ya think she is kind of dark?

2:29 AM  

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