Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Tuesday, June 19

Act Your Age

Lucie was reading my blog this weekend and she saw my list on Sunday and she got all pissy. Now get this, NOT because I told people she dances around in her underwear singing into a spoon but because I said she listens to 80s pop music!

I’m not sorry. That’s the truth and it’s kind of cute. And Luce, you look totally like a kid doing that, not some grownup who shouldn’t be trying to be cute.

[And I have to say, man do I hate that. Have you ever seen old people trying to do young things, like they wear low riders when they have NO business doing that? Or they put little kid clips in their hair, as if that would distract people from their wrinkles. And hello, could you please put on a top that fits? No one wants to see old people tummies. It’s just gross. You can only get away with this if you still look awesome. My sister may be getting close to the big 3-0 but at least she still looks good so she can pull off the cute look. Well, sometimes. Let’s be real about this.]


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