Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Sunday, February 11

The Week's Strange News

Top 3.5 Weirdest, Saddest News Stories This Week

1. Astronaut Stalker Arrested
2. Anna Nicole Smith Dies
3. 100 Inches of Snow in Upstate New York
3.5 NYC Bans IPods While Crossing the Street

Astronauts in Love - With Valentine’s Day fast-approaching, I have to ask…is this what people do when they are in love? Seriously, do they drive 900 miles wearing diapers to shoot pepper spray at their boyfriend’s girlfriend and try to kidnap her? If this is what love makes people do, I don’t think I want to be in love.

I read a really cool article about how astronauts return from outer space with a renewed perspective on life, the universe and everything. Their real-life problems seem petty in comparison to the vastness of the Galaxy. But maybe it made this woman crazy instead. Maybe Lisa Nowak went into space and decided she couldn’t hack infinity.

Either way, I think it just goes to show you that insanity cuts across all levels of people: rich, poor, men, women, regular schmoes, and astronauts.

Anna Nicole Smith is Dead - So many people made comparisons to Marilyn Monroe, which I guess she sort of looked like. They both certainly led tragic lives and had a hard time finding true love and possibly they both died of drug overdoses. Possibly. I’m not a coroner so I can’t judge.

But ANS had an element of pathos in her life that MM didn’t. She did that stupid reality show and she married a guy so old he had one foot in the grave and then there was the Trimspa gig she had. If MM had been alive, I doubt she would have endorsed diet pills.

It’s not that I don’t feel bad for ANS - she lost her son a few days after her baby girl was born, how horrible is that? I just can’t say that I’m terribly surprised by this. Nor was I particularly shocked that she died in a hotel room. Know what I mean?

100 Inches of Snow in New York - A hundred inches is over eight feet of snow! (The calculator on this computer comes in very handy sometimes…) Eight feet! That’s three feet more than me - all snow.

NYC Wants to Ban iPods While People Walk - and cell phones and Blackberrys and anything else that’s distracting. I don’t live in NYC and I don’t have a cell phone or a Blackberry although Lucie and I do share an iPod. She got one as some giveaway at one of her jobs a couple years ago. It doesn’t have video or anything and frankly, I don’t know how cool it is to watch TV on a tiny screen. I mean, it’s cool to carry it in your pocket and all but it’s like, an inch and a half square!

So this ban in NYC hasn’t been passed yet, which is why it’s 3.5 on my list and not a 3, but there are people all fired up about it because two people died while they were listening to their iPods and they walked into buses or something. Now, not for nothing but headphones have been around for a long, long time. No one wanted to ban Walkmen did they? Or boomboxes or transistor radios? And I’m sorry, but people get hit by buses all the time. They get distracted by someone talking to them. They stop in the middle of the street for no reason. They run into traffic without looking. You can’t blame everything bad that happens on technology.

I think that’s it. My roundup of the world’s weirdest, saddest news stories. So many odd things happened that I couldn’t not comment.

Next week is Valentine’s Day. You know what I have on my mind.


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