Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Sunday, March 4

They're Grrrrreat!

Top 3.5 Breakfast Cereals For When You’re Watching Early Morning TV

1. Rice Krispies
2. Honey Chex
3. Cinnamon Eggos
3.5 Cheerios

Normally I’ll just have a bowl of corn flakes, nothing fancy, maybe a little sugar on top or a handful of raisins to make it sweet but on the weekend when I get up early because I'm so used to it, I like to veg in front of the TV and watch cartoons with more fun cereal. Or like this morning, I'm watching thousands of people run through the streets of LA, a/k/a the LA Marathon.

Rice Krispies are the number one choice because they remind me of being a little kid. The snap, crackle, pop and the little characters on the box instantly make me feel like I’m five and Lucie and I are watching television together, sitting on the floor, banging out the theme song to “Animaniacs” on the coffee table. “We’re Animaniacs…we’re zany to the max…”

Honey Chex are a relatively new flavor of cereal, way better than plain old wheat or corn or rice. The honey eliminates the need to add extra sugar plus they stay crunchy in milk. I know the crunch has something to do with the preservatives but I really don’t want to know any more than that or I will never eat it again.

Cinnamon Eggos are also new but awesome! I don’t even use milk. I just eat them straight out of the box. With a cup of coffee, yummy! It’s a grown up cereal for grown ups who are really kids. You know? They’re like Frosted Flakes only for adults, with lots of sugar and fun shapes.

Cheerios have neither fun shapes nor sugar nor any prizes inside. They are plain old o’s but they have a very high nostalgia quotient. Who has never tried Cheerios? They give them to babies and they recommend them for adults who have cholesterol problems. They’re a miracle food! Seriously, they are the best. I have been known to pour myself a bowl, eat the whole bowl, add more cereal, then add more milk, then more cereal and more milk until I am stuffed with o’s. But happy.

I found this link on breakfast cereal...hilarious and very informative!



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