Mega Girl

The blog of Meg A Shanley

Thursday, February 15

Red and White and Blue All Over

I know you’ve been holding your breath, wondering what happened on V-Day D-Day.

Well, things didn’t exactly go as I planned. First of all, T got more than one red rose. Yes, it turns out that Donna, the one with the braces and the cast on her arm from when she fell playing volleyball, also had a crush on T. And she sent him a red rose with a note - that she signed! I gotta hand it to her, that takes some huevos. As much as I agonized over this for a week, I wasn’t even sending a note with my name on it. I can’t begin to imagine what it was like for Donna. Did she think about it minute by minute like me?

So anyway, it seems that T liked Donna too. Yes, he had a crush on her so it didn’t bother him that she sent him a red rose with a stupid note on it. It said something like, “Admiring you from afar,” or something lame like that. I didn’t see the note but I heard some people talking about it.

And I also heard some people talking about my note to T. They all wanted to know who the “Earthy” admirer was and what that meant. Okay, it meant Earth Science. T and I are in Earth Science together and now I guess you can figure out who T is. It doesn’t matter much anyway because he and Donna are tight now and all it took for true love to blossom was one little rose.

How it happened was this: there was major tension in homeroom before the roses came out. I had never seen so many kids in my homeroom before. I mean, where did they all come from? So we’re all waiting and then the student council members came in with buckets of roses, just tons and tons and tons of them! They distributed them alphabetically and most of the girls in my homeroom sort of squealed when they got theirs. This one girl, Kathy, got at least a dozen. No joke. But they all came from her boyfriend who’s this rich kid from Texas. I don’t know how he found out about this thing and why he could arrange to send her the flowers through homeroom instead of just ordering them through 1800 Flowers or something. I guess to show off.

So everyone got their flowers and most of the guys were really embarrassed and I imagined at that moment that T, in his homeroom, was getting embarrassed by my rose. And then we all went off to class. Out in the halls, no one was actually going to class. They were all congregating outside their lockers and showing off their notes, especially if they were anonymous. Some girls were pissed and some were crying. I saw one girl who had three white roses throw them in some guy’s face. Duh, dude! Red! The color of love is red, unless you are trying to tell her something.

By the time I got to Earth Science, which was in the afternoon, most of the hoopla had died down. And I had already heard about Donna and T. She’s in T’s homeroom and got to see his reaction firsthand. So it was kind of a letdown to go to Science and see him with a big smile on his face, holding his roses. I don’t think he even noticed there was a note on the one I gave him. Maybe he assumed they were both from his new girlfriend.

Obviously I didn’t say anything to T about his second rose, although I was really tempted.

And now, you’re probably wondering why I seem to have such a positive attitude about this. Why am I not upset about Donna getting there before me or even that T never considered his second rose could be from someone like me?

Because in addition to the white roses I got from Reggie and Dena and Renea, I got my own red rose.


“For my Mega Girl…loving you across the Internet.”

I have no idea what that means. But I love a good mystery.


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